IRCEELT-2021 Workshops


Workshop Title:  Learn and Apply: Using Social Media for Language and Content Application

Social media has transformed over the years from a place of entertainment to a contemporary and engaging learning platform that is immediate and personal. Reviewing language and content through social media posts is a great way to help students connect their learning to bigger issues … Read More



Workshop Title: Integrating the four skill areas in language learning: An instructional routine

This workshop provides teachers with an instructional routine they can utilize in language classrooms to prepare students for academic courses at English-medium universities. Drawing upon empirical research, Motley’s (2016) Talk, Read, Talk, Write, and his own teaching, …. Read More



Workshop Title: Using Service Learning to Increase Student Engagement and Language Retention in the English Language Classroom

This workshop will highlight the benefits of using service learning as a methodology in the English language classroom. Service-learning begins in the classroom and then moves out into the community where students engage in projects such as organizing a clean-up or creating an information campaign. …. Read More



Workshop Title: Perfect primary practitioners: a reality or a dream?

In our joint workshop, we would like to give an account of a research project that has been carried out at two faculties of primary education: Facultad Padre Osso in Oviedo, Spain and Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary. At both institutions, we train primary classroom teachers, some of whom specialize in teaching foreign languages.

The aim of the research is twofold: on the one hand, we intend to investigate the language background of first-year primary teacher trainees. On the other hand, we want to explore their views on language teaching and their beliefs on the ideal primary language teacher. The research project started in the autumn of 2020 with circulating a questionnaire among these students.

At the workshop first, we report about the analysis of the data collected, with a special focus on the results concerning the ideal primary language teacher. Next, we are going to invite the participants to join the discussion by sharing and discussing their own views about what the ideal primary foreign language teacher is like.


Workshop Title: Perceptions of Accented English: Promoting Awareness of Speaker Variation and Social Justice in the ELT Classroom

Everyone has an accent, but not all accents are perceived equally. The way people speak can mark their identity with a geopolitical region, socioeconomic status, ethnicity, or as a second language speaker which, in turn, can trigger stereotypes others have about a particular accent (Bradac et al., 2001; Lambert et al., 1960). This workshop will present research on speech perception constructs of Munro and Derwing (1995), consolidate an understanding of the differences of accentedness and intelligibility in L2 learner speech, connect accent with social justice issues (Lev-Ari & Keysar, 2010; Masey & Lundy, 2001), and challenge participants to recognize their potential bias as speakers and teachers (Lindemann & Subtirelu, 2013). Participants can expect to recognize the importance of accent and the complex role it plays in learners’ lives. Additionally, participants will be equipped with activities to promote awareness of social justice issues related to accented English.